This is my first blog post that I am sharing my natural hair journey. I like to wear protective styles being that my hair is 4C which means it is very fragile. My hairs break easily if they aren't maintained properly.
Last week, I removed my twist extensions to give my natural hair the spotlight. I was so surprised to see the growth! After 4 months of protecting (yes, I know. It's frowned upon to protect for so long but it's what works for me!), my hair has grown so much! It's full and I feel that I finally have the hair that I have always dreamt of.
So, my natural hair journey began seven years ago. I had braids off and on for about three years before I decided to go without the braids and wear my hair in it's natural state. Mind you, at the time, there weren't a lot of resources for us young naturals. This was before the days of YouTube tutorials. My hair was huge! The largest I have ever seen it! (I'll share a photo when I find it!) It was lovely! I was young and very inexperienced with natural hair so I decided to go to a Beauty Salon to get some hair help! Unfortunately, this was the beginning of my hair's demise. The hairstylist suggested a relaxer being that My hair was "unruly" and "wild" according to the beautician. Long story short, the relaxer completely destroyed my nearly waist length hair. My hair continued to break off for 4 months before I decided that it was time for me to make a change. I promised myself to never process my hair ever again. I also promised myself to love my hair the way that it chooses to grow out of my head!
After a second "chop", I am so happy with the progress that my hair has made these last 4 years being natural. I've been asked by a number of ladies who are either beginning their natural transition or just starting how I grew my hair out so healthy. They inspired me to take this blog in a different direction and share my Natural Hair Journey with the world! I hope to help other black women discover their true beauty and learn to love their hair!
Thanks for stopping by! In my next blog, I'll share some hair tips as well as some of my other hair stories!
Here are a few photos from last week when I removed my twists and set forth on my journey!